Delicious and fragrant Organic Jasmine Tea comes with so many health'benefits. Jasmine tea is 'bursting with 'antioxidants that 'protect your cells from 'damaging-free 'radicals. It has 'anti-inflammatory' properties and is known to lower'cholesterol ('lipids in your'blood). It has 'caffeine and 'polyphenol'EGCG that 'aids in 'burning-fat and can help with 'weight -control. 'Polyphenols also may lower'risk of 'Parkinson’s and 'Alzheimer’s. The 'caffeine helps boost 'alertness and 'brain-function. It is packed with 'catechins that help promote 'oral-health and 'prevent 'tooth-decay. Jasmine tea can help maintain 'healthy 'blood-sugar levels by helping your 'body use 'insulin more effectively. All of these 'benefits are present in a tea that has a 'delicious, 'subtly'sweet taste and a 'heavenly'floral-aroma, making it easy to add to your 'diet.