Cold Pressed, solvent free, pure and unfiltered.
Recommended intake: 1-2 `tablespoons daily. Can be taken before or after `meal. (if you are on `blood `pressure `medication or any other `pharmaceutical `medications it is advised that you take it at least 3 to 4 hours before or afterwards).
Boost the Body's `Immune `System & Overall `Wellness*
`Potential Impact on Our `Cardiovascular `Systems*
Powerful `Natural `Anti-inflammatory `Properties*
Ability to Promote `Healthy `Digestion*
`Healthy `Skin and `Nail `Boosting `Properties*
Why Take Black-Seed-Oil?
It reduced the `body's `inflammation, `naturally*
It is packed with powerful `nutrients that support the `hair, `skin and `nails*
May Promote Strong `Hair `Growth*
Supports `digestion and `metabolic`function*
Scientific studies have called Black-Seed-Oil the "Miracle-Herb" for its wide array of `therapeutic `benefits (`source)*
We have hundreds of thousands of happy customers, many of which are repeat customers because they love what black-seed-oil does for them. Although this is a `natural `cold-pressed `oil, as with any `supplement, we always advise that if you are `pregnant or`nursing that you avoid `consuming and consult your `doctor. Please also note that black-seed-oil may also `conflict with your `prescription `medication. When in doubt, always consult your `doctor!*
100% Cold-Pressed | Glass`Bottle
Our `cold-pressed `oil retains all of the `naturally occurring `beneficial `compounds.
We use glass bottles because they are `environmentally `friendly and the `oil is safer to `consume.
No `high-temperature `exposure during `shipping and`packing keeps the `oil as `pure and `potent as it can be.
No `pesticides or`herbicides because we wanted to produce a `healthy product without compromises.
Product Research:
The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) states,
`Nigella `sativa has been used as traditional `medicine for centuries. The crude oil and `thymoquinone (TQ) extracted from its `seeds and `oil are effective against many `diseases like `cancer, `cardiovascular `complications, `diabetes, `asthma, `kidney `disease etc. It is effective against `cancer in `blood `system, `lung, `kidney, `liver, `prostate, `breast, `cervix, `skin with much `safety.
For thousands of years, the `seeds, `oils and `extracts of N. `sativa have been used as an `anticancer `agent by `Unani, `Ayurveda and the Chinese system of `medicine.